It's a privilege to speak to our audience again. This blog is specifically to our "Male" sector of our population that includes the men, young men and boys.
First of all what is "etiquette? A brief definition defines it as: “the rules indicating the proper and polite way to behave.” Did you know that something as simple as stopping at a red light or stop sign is displaying "Etiquette?" Actually it may be simple on the surface, but if we don't do these things, it can be quite a life changing experience for you and or others involved.
Now that we have gotten that hard word out of the way, what might be the other word that may pop up into your mind when hear the word "Etiquette?” Manners, right? Simply defined: the way something is done or happens. Actually, in some ways you are using etiquette and manners in your daily lives with out even thinking about it.
Now, when it comes to a more personal level, men, young men and boys, we should not react, but know exactly what to do in any situation. At home, in business, at social gatherings, and in our personal daily lives, knowing what is the proper thing to do and knowing what is expected in a given situation is displaying etiquette and having good manners as a result. However, many of us are uncomfortable, embarrassed or do not know who to ask when we are unsure of the proper thing to do at times.
Look for my next blog post and we will proceed further. Until then, we hope to see you in one or more of our classes.